I am always on the look out for bone reading sets to add to my small collection. I recently came across the Front Porch Conjure Bone Reading Set on Etsy.

FPC Bone reading Set

The set came bundled in a piece of white cotton. I love interesting packaging and I thought this was a nice touch.



Front Porch Conjure Bone Reading Set

There are 26 pieces in the set. I would imagine that the actual pieces might vary over time due to availability.




Front Porch Conjure Bone Reading Set

It also has a bag, instructions, and a small bottle of Florida water.



Front Porch Conjure Bone Reading Set

There are four pages of instructions included with the set. They provide a suggested meaning for each piece, as well as a suggested technique for answering yes/no questions.



Front Porch Conjure Bone Reading Set

Front Porch Conjure “Bag of Bones” Bone Reading Set



Front Porch Conjure Bone Reading Set


This is a very nice set with a good set of instructions. I received it quickly and it was well packaged to prevent shipping damage, and to please the eye. It would make a great starter set to which you could add your own pieces, or it could be used just as it is.

I bought this set from Front Porch Conjure on Etsy.

You can also contact them on Facebook.