I was recently asked to do a blog post on 10 minute readings. I do cover short, daily readings in my book starting on page 74, including a sample reading. The process for a 10 minute, or otherwise time constrained reading is the same, but I will write a bit about it here for those who don’t have my book.

Clock with wings

Ten minutes is not a lot of time. I offer 10 minute readings, but I don’t count the time spent getting situated and calling on deity and spirits. I start the clock once I have thrown the pieces on the cloth. When I am reading at home this is not a problem because if I run over a few minutes it’s no big deal. I build in time in between readings for this very reason. But reading at a party or fair, or festival, I don’t have that luxury. At the recent Mystic Dream Wisdom Festival a gong went off to start the ten minutes and a gong went off to end it. There was a 5 minute break between readings. I ended up using some of the break time more often than not. Here is how I did it.

First pick out a few key pieces to focus on. For me that would be:

  • The piece representing the person I am reading for.
  • The piece representing “now.”
  • Any pieces representing the subject of the reading if the client has stated one such as “couple pieces” for a relationship, or coins for finances, or the thimble for work.
  • The “action piece.”
  • The “gifts you bring piece.”
  • The diamond which represents something important to the subject.
  • The die which gives the overall atmosphere.

Obviously you want to point out anything you see happening around the piece representing the client. I usually discuss this first. The “now” piece may add to this discussion. I also discuss what I see around the pieces that relate to the subject of the reading.

Usually by this time over one half of your ten minutes are gone. I follow this with any actions the reading recommends and the gifts the client brings to the situation. Finally I discuss anything I that I feel is important to the subject at hand indicated by the diamond piece in my set. I also look at what number the dice is showing. Sometimes I mention it to the client, usually early in the reading.  I may say “the number two indicates that you are looking at a choice,” or “the number five tells me that you are going through a rough patch right now.” But I don’t always mention it.

If there is time I will try to answer any specific questions or point out anything I see that may be of help or interest, but usually I have used all of the time just going over the essentials.  The reading is pared down to key points and highlights. I much prefer a more leisurely reading where there is time for discussion and feedback as the reading progresses, but a short reading can be done if time is constrained, and the information imparted can be quite useful. Practicing timed readings can be helpful, especially if you plan to read at psychic fairs, on psychic hotlines, or at parties.

Your set may or may not have pieces with similar meanings, but this method can be adapted to any bone set. Look at your set, decide which pieces are most important to your readings, and focus on those when time is at a premium.

Happy Bone Reading!